Price *


Subscription period

3 Years

Number of Computers


Per additional Computer *


* All prices are shown as net. The country specific tax will be added for private persons.

Order your HERO package:

After placing your order

After the binding order has been placed, the workflow is as follows:

  • Directly after sending the order, an automatically initiated order confirmation will be sent to the E-Mail address in the form.

  • The confirmation E-Mail contains a temporary activation key which is valid for 14 days. This key enables working with RidingData in full licensed mode.

  • We will process your order and send you the invoice via E-Mail.

  • For the bank transfer, you have 14 days time, beginning at the date of order.

  • After your payment has been received on our bank account, you will get the final activation key for the full package subscription period.

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